Bells of the Rockies is an auditioned community handbell ensemble. We play 5 1/2 octaves of Schulmerich handbells, 5 octaves of chimes, and perform music from sacred to secular, from baroque to rock. We rehearse weekly on Tuesday nights in Northern Colorado.
Founded by Michael Kastner. Our ringers come from many communities throughout the Colorado and Wyoming Front Range. Ringers audition annually to earn the right to join this group of seasoned handbell musicians in challenging music. Click on the images below to learn more about our artistic director, Marv Crawford or about our ringers. We are proud to rehearse and perform together while having fun! |
Bells of the Rockies Members
Ringers in Bells of the Rockies audition for the privilege of ringing with the group. Our artistic director is charged with leading the group musically including repertoire, assignments, and morale. Ringers serve in a variety of volunteer roles as Board Members of the organization and other helpful assignments. Our 2023 roster includes our director, Marvin Crawford and the following ringers: Emiley Bilek, Diana Bleignier, Mary Branton-Housley, Kayla Carlisle, Susan Chapman, Natalie Rosin, Andrew Hudson, Catie Jackson, Gavin Lucas, Mindy Marsh, Brandi Patrick, Kathryn Rudd, Amanda Silvestri, and Chris Vickers.
Click on the Photos Below for Individual Bios.
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